Termos de Serviço

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Terms of Service and Use

Where we assign the pronoun "we" means this website (RagStores.com) and its respective administrators.

  1. All other terms and privacy policy apply to all existing functionalities on the site.
  2. We are not responsible for the advertisements published here, they are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. RagStores NOT   is responsible for any type of transaction and/or trading that occurs between players, whether in-game or out-of-game. as well as does not carry out this or any type of transaction and/or commercialization of items and ROPS except exclusively the official ones through Hype Games Brasil. To report an advertisement or any illegal activity, use the means of contact and/or social networks detailed in the footer of the site.
  3. We reserve the right to update the Terms and Policies at any time without notice.
  4. We reserve the right not to return emails, direct messages on social networks, feedbacks or any type of interaction with us. We will always do our best to respond to demands and some support requests, but we will not guarantee service to all users.
  5. We reserve the right to delete any advertisements and/or comments without prior notice and explanation, to advertisements and/or comments that we deem to be:
    1. Storefronts, bad faith or any act of fraud;
    2. Violation of Human and/or Animal Rights;
    3. Mention, incitement, apology or any form of identification to illegal content and/or profanity.
  6. The advertisements published here are not a guarantee of sale or purchase of the item in the game, nor do we carry out any type of commercialization or microtransaction.
  7. All site functionalities are accessible for free, with the exception of certain specific features which require a paid subscription. We will never contact you to make charges or ask for identification or passwords. Protect yourself.
  8. We do not carry out any kind of verification on the servers, so we assume that the advertisements published here are true and that the respective author acted in good faith.
  9. Deleted ads or users are permanently deleted from the site's database, so the action is irreversible, use these features with caution.
  10. It is expressly forbidden to advertise the sale and/or purchase of items (involving real transactions), zenys, chars or any type of microtransaction, thus incurring the penalty of deletion (without prior notice and explanations) from the user's account.
  11. We are not responsible for any penalties, infractions, thefts or any kind of violation that may occur with the players' accounts on the Ragnarok servers.
  12. We work energetically to maintain the security and integrity of the website and the data entrusted to us, there will be no compensation of any kind if there is any type of leakage or cybercriminal activity on the website.
  13. The site uses free licenses and fan site licenses used to give the look and fill of content, such as: images. Learn more at footer.
  14. Any and all comments are the sole authorship and responsibility of their respective author and do not represent our opinion in any way. We reserve the right to delete and/or edit any comments that we deem necessary and/or that violate any terms of use and/or privacy policy;
  15. Logged in users' item searches will be collected and tracked, this data collection will be used for statistical functionalities, market behavior and other future functionalities, so that they can be performed correctly (see the Privacy Policy on this subject).

Stamp Regulation

From version 2.0 onwards, the Badges mechanism was introduced, which are achievements that site users earn for completing a certain objective on a date stipulated in each respective campaign.

Such achievements do not guarantee privileges on the site, it is only a visual highlight that identifies the correct participation of the user. The badges are granted by us and we reserve the right to alter, modify, delete any badges of any participants if we deem it necessary and also without prior notice or presentation of justification.

We will not contact you through social media or in-game, a badge is just a "sticker", an achievement in your account here on the site, we will not give away any financial prizes or in-game items.

The goal is to give a gift in a way to all those who enjoy our work and help us grow more and more, thank you very much!

About Referral Link

From version 3.0 onwards, the Referral Link mechanism was introduced. This public link to the advertiser's referral profile is just one more guarantee that the author makes legitimate in-game announcements and trades and brings more prestige to the author.

We are not responsible for the author's link published here, whenever any irregularities are found, please report the ad immediately so that we can take appropriate action.

The allowed addresses for the links are currently displayed on the Account page.

About the Store

From version 8.0 onwards, RagStores becomes an official partner of Hyper Games, thus having the rights to sell digital credits for various games and platforms.

With this, the "Store" page was created where the catalog with the prices and products that are sold is displayed.

All the transactional part is done through third-party platforms, such as Mercado Pago, PicPay and/or Hotmart.

Payment Method and Credit Receivable.

Registration, control, data security, and transactional procedures are all managed by the aforementioned third-party platforms. Thus, none sensitive data referring to personal identification (CPF, Telephone) used during the purchase is stored on the RagStores.com website. We store and process data such as e-mail, first and last name, order number, payment method and values, for the exclusive purposes of e-commerce functionalities and for legal purposes of current legislation.

After the confirmation of payment, the RagStores team undertakes to deliver in up to 48h (transaction time and order processing) by digital means the respective PIN of the purchase for the use of the credits in the game. If you have any questions or need to contact us, please use the email help@ragstores.com or open a service ticket in the Discord group ( https://discord.gg/hpcbZcNBKr) we will try to answer as soon as possible.

Payment & Order Management

All control of orders, purchases made, among others, are viewed directly in your account on the third-party platforms mentioned above.

  1. The purchase of the Donate/Donation product, is nothing more than a donation to the website project from which there is no delivery of physical or digital goods;
Post Ads
  1. The acronym Ad stands for Ad in English. In other words, Post Ads is the disclosure of ads of the respective post that is linked to this purchase;
  2. The purchase of the Post Ads product, is nothing more than activating the functionality of displaying ads of a respective post linked directly to its respective user/author;
  3. There is no delivery of physical goods or ROPs in this type of purchase, understand more about this product;
  4. Once the payment has been correctly processed and the activation of Post Ads has been correctly processed, there is a period of 24h for the refund request, which must be done by contacting the respective third-party company that processed the payment and the RagStores team, presenting the appropriate justifications;
  5. Once it has been identified that the respective post that had Post Ads activated was manually deleted or expired after the period of 7 (seven) days, NO  A refund or any type of return will be made for the paid service.
  1. The buyer will receive by email the links related to the purchased content, all visible. Improper or unauthorized use does not guarantee the purchaser any right to a refund or replacement of the product.
  2. In the event of any problem with the product, the buyer must contact RagStores through the email or Discord that is made available to him, sending the case for analysis, and the deadline for the response will be determined punctually considering the type of problem reported.
  3. The purchase of the products is limited to members registered on the site, from which they have accepted all the terms of use and privacy policies.
  4. E-mails are sent automatically, and there is no possibility of sending copies to third parties.
  5. All e-mails are monitored and traceable as to actions taken in them, such as: Sending, Receiving, Opening, Clicking on links, among others.
  6. The refund must be requested by the third party platforms mentioned above or by opening a new ticket, within a period of 7 days after the purchase and if it is proven that the not there was any interaction (mainly, but not exclusive, such as Opening, Link Clicks, Redirect, among others) with the product's redemption email and/or link.
  7. The buyer, when purchasing a Product, will only be acquiring access to the relevant platform, and such acquisition does not have the power to transmit the ownership of the Product and Services, which will work according to what is determined by the platform or developer.
  8. All promotions and/or discounts created by Hype Games Brasil can always be obtained with the purchase of any product in the store of this website, provided that they comply with all the requirements of the respective regulations published on the website of Hype Games Brasil.
Conduct, Cheating, and Illegal Behavior
  1. All products have rules of conduct established by their platforms or developers, which may provide for conduct understood as inappropriate, which must be respected, and disrespect may lead to access restrictions or other consequences as the case may be.
  2. Any violation by the buyer of the rules, rules of conduct or conditions provided by the platforms or developers of the products does not authorize him or give him the right to request any refund or exchange of the product.
  3. If fraud, any type of cheating and/or illegal actions are identified. Access to purchases and other features in RagStores will be restricted. It is up to the user to try to get in touch by the correct means for more details.
Service Interruption
  1. RagStores reserves the right to interrupt access to the Products, whenever it is necessary to perform any kind of maintenance, without the need for prior notice.
  2. The purchaser declares to be aware that both the developers and the platform on which the Product is made available, may periodically interrupt access to the Software, on a periodic basis, scheduled or not, to perform maintenance and corrections, and there may or may not be any type of notification.

About ROPs Reputation and Sweepstakes (Only in Brazil)

As of version 12.0, RagStores now counts the Reputation of users in order to be eligible for ROPs Sweepstakes. The entire Regulation can be found at https://wiki.ragstores.com/wiki/Regulamento_do_Sorteio_de_ROPs and by confirming these Terms of Service, it is confirmed that the full page mentioned/linked has been read.

  1. User Reputation is in no way aimed at any type of discrimination. It is used only so that the system accurately identifies the users who most use and/or help the site in some way;
  2. All reputation data is zeroed out and completely deleted from the database every 6 months, from its respective creation date, and it is not possible to reverse this deletion or rescue this data after the cleaning actions;
  3. The regulation, usage and tutorial links listed throughout the site may be updated, of which they will not be previously notified and it is the sole responsibility of the user to keep up to date and visit such pages periodically.

About Widget Key, Post Ads and Remuneration (Only in Brazil)

As of version 21.0, RagStores started to provide the service of Widget Key, Post Ads and Remuneration to users to be eligible. The entire Regulation can also be found in https://wiki.ragstores.com/wiki/Ads and by confirming these Terms of Service and Use, it is confirmed that the full page mentioned/linked has been read.

  1. The eligibility of the RagStores user to the Widget Key, as well as the Remuneration (Only in Brazil) currently occurs only at the choice of the administrators and/or owners of the RagStores website. From which they reserve the right to accept, refuse and/or revoke any user without any prior notice or explanation;
  2. Total and any remuneration will be made exclusively using monetary values in Brazilian Real (BRL), where any and all transactions will be subject to current legislation, as well as in accordance with all regulatory bodies and the federative union. It does not relieve either party of its civil and criminal liability. The administrators and owners of RagStores reserve the right to call on the competent bodies and means whenever they deem it necessary for the correct legal procedures provided for by law to occur;
  3. RagStores reserves the right to make any change to these Terms of Use, as well as any page related to this service/product, including also, but not limited to, the pages on our Wiki, without any prior notice, leaving the responsibility of consultation always to the user;
  4. The remuneration will always occur in compliance with the rules present in these terms and under no circumstances will actions be carried out that disrespect any legislation in force;
  5. Unlawful conduct, interruption of services, cheating, and fraud are subject to the same terms of the Store and any and all applicable laws.

Below are the terms in bullet points for your best understanding only, however acceptance applies in its entirety to the content presented on this web page.

Widget Key
  1. The term "widget" is a portmanteau of the English words "window" and "gadget". A "widget" is a window/interface for user interaction. In the context of RagStores, they are versatile and modular windows for displaying website data, presented in a user-friendly manner. The English word "key" together with the word "widget" refers to the key of a widget, that is, a digital key, in this case a unique set of letters and numbers that is used exclusively in a widget so that it correctly performs its respective functions;
  2. The Widget Key is a unique, personal and intractable key that guarantees and assures that the respective user is its owner of use. Its function is to guarantee the legitimacy and exclusivity of the use of the Widgets that use it to its respective user. If detected and/or proven, the sharing of any key will result in the immediate revocation of the respective user who owns that key, without any prior notice or need for justification by the RagStores team (administrators, owners and/or employees);
  3. The respective Widget Key of each user will be displayed on the Account screen (Profile menu > My Account) in the same section as the ID and HashID;
  4. For specific use of the Widget Key, please refer to the Wiki page provided above.
Display Post Ads using Widget
  1. Only and exclusively the Post Ads Widget will generate remuneration to the respective Widget Key user who performs the Live Broadcast on Twitch or YouTube platforms. Any and all remuneration arising from this activity will follow and respect all the rules mentioned herein;
  2. For each purchase made of a Post Ad and used a single streamer coupon, that respective streamer will earn the fixed amount of R$0.60 (sixty cents of Brazilian Real).
  3. The Post Ads Widget will only display one Post Ads at a time running, if all display requirements are met, only then will the respective Widget Key user be accounted for their remuneration amount. If there are no Post Ads to be displayed, there will be no remuneration for the use of the Widget, only and exclusively when there are one or more Post Ads displays. See the Wiki page mentioned above for more details on how it works;
  4. On how the Post Ads Widget works:
    1. Every 5 successful displays of a Post Ad by the Widget will generate to the respective Widget Key user the remuneration of R$0.01 (one cent of Brazilian Real) of which will be accumulated in their RagStores account, and this amount may change without any prior notice, notification and/or justification;
    2. Each Post Ad will have its display limited, i.e., a Post Ad will only be displayed in any Post Ad Widget every approximately 30 (thirty) minutes for 7 (seven) calendar days or until the Post Ad is deleted by the respective author, administrators or expiration date, such action ensures that the Post Ad will not be displayed in an unlimited manner to guarantee remuneration for those Widget Key users who have succeeded display that respective Post Ad;
    3. The Post Ad to be displayed by the Post Ad Widget will be defined by one of two (2) conditions:
      1. If the Post Ad is dedicated exclusively to a Widget Key user, see Wiki for a better understanding of this action;
      2. If by the following conditions the Post Ad was correctly chosen by Widget.
    4. For each Post Ads Widget started, a time of approximately 30 minutes is counted for the first display of a Post Ad and so on. That is, a Post Ads Widget has a chance to display a Post Ad every approximately 30 minutes, this time is fixed and cannot be changed by the user with penalty of infraction and loss of the Widget Key if any attempt of fraud or misuse is identified. This time can be changed in the future if necessary, if the RagStores team deems it necessary;
    5. If the Post Ad reaches its maximum display limit, even if it is still active in RagStores, it will no longer be elected to any display in the Post Ads Widget. Regardless of whether or not such Post Ad is dedicated to a Key.
Remuneration, History and Withdrawal (Only in Brazil)
  1. The remuneration for the use of the Post Ads Widget or other forms of monetization, will be realized as long as all the rules and conditions of display of a Post Ad are satisfied, only the use of the Widget without any display will not generate any type of remuneration and/or reward;
  2. There is a dedicated page to view recent compensation history as well as the total accumulated balance;
  3. Only when reaching the minimum accumulated of R$5.00 (five Brazilian Reals) is it allowed to request the withdrawal;
  4. The transfer will be made upon presentation of a PIX key of the respective user who requested the withdrawal, such action will be carried out exclusively between parties who are Individuals (CPF);
  5. Never, under any circumstances, will the PIX key of any user be displayed or disclosed, as well as its full storage will only be during the processing stage of the withdrawal request, after this is finalized there will be the anonymization of the PIX key data, and it is not possible to undo the action, see the privacy policies;
  6. Once the withdrawal is requested, the request will be processed within 10 (ten) business days only during the business period from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm Brasília official time;
  7. Each withdrawal will be made with multiples of 5 (five) amounts, no transaction will be made using cents. Where each transaction will be in the maximum amount of R$100.00 (one hundred Brazilian Reais). Any legal need for inspection will be carried out and RagStores reserves the right to interrupt the Post Ad or remuneration service at any time without prior notice or notification and freeze any transaction so that all legal and appropriate measures are taken in any investigation process;

Last updated: January 08, 2024