Farm Calculator Edit an already saved table or create a new one.Use "Enter" to enter the values you typed.The maximum number of items is 50. Please enter at least 1 item. If the message persists, clear the cache (CTRL+F5). RefinementThe amount of refining the item has. If they don't have any, don't fill in this field. Item*The full name of the item. Card(s) in slotsInsert in the order of each slot up to a maximum of 4 cards. Enchantment(s)Enter up to a maximum of 4 enchantments.If you do not find the desired enchantment, please contact us. Quantity*The quantity of the item that is on sale or desired. Price*The unitary price in Zenys. Avoid fake prices. Add Item Please enter at least 1 item. If the message persists, clear the cache (CTRL+F5). Item Tables Refinement Item Card Enchantment Quantity Price Gross Value Please wait... Create an account to be able to Open your Shop.. Version: 29.2 - Changelog - Report Bug - Feedback